Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I just can't take this anymore!

This is one of those days. It started out fine and really nothing terrible happened. Just one of those calls from school about my child melting down. And then it hit and left me with tears welling and breath catching. And the thought that went through my head was that I JUST CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE! Why, I wondered, were the tears coming over something that happens so often? I think it is because it is so constant. And even with all of the interventions we have put in place currently and over the years it STILL happens. The calls STILL come. My child STILL has difficulty and stress. And I STILL have to find a way to help. 

But truth be told, I am tired of fighting autism and aspergers. I want them to go away. Hey, Autism, let me ask a few questions: Can't I just have a day off? Why don't you go bother some evil person and leave the innocent kids alone? And, if I could ever get my hands around your neck Autism, it would not be pretty. Alas, autism doesn't respond to my crazy questions. Autism is not alive, it just is what it is. And I am what I am, an imperfect mother living in an imperfect world. And sometimes this imperfect world stinks big time.